Thursday, November 18, 2004

Mr. Pittsburgh Steelers Cap

Go look at the Website for the White House Hotel. They have a funny page of testimonials (which must be edited to disclude anyone who ever had a bad experience).

One of the testimonials includes this passage:

The staff had time for us which was appreciated and i also think they conveyed the easy new york vibe very well - especially mr. pitsburgh steelers cap who isn't a steelers fan and the super chilled older black guy, i don't know their names but both very good folk! It was also good to talk to miguel about harlem, u.s and european culture, it's not every day we can sit about for a few hours talking to people from the other side of the world, all very interesting. I guess the white house was a good place to get to meet local folk, which helps me to get a alot more out of new york than going shopping and some night clubs. Also a true bonus for us was meeting a few of the residents too. Going out for an evening with jeff paz was probably one of the best things we did out here, it was a top night away from the touristy areas with a genuinly good guy. Also the other resident with the long blond hair a la jeff was a good guy, the ten minuite/ half hour we talked to them every day just helped make the trip a better one.

From:  Jimmy and Grant
Date:  Sunday,  June 30, 2002 7:45 PM
Subject:  RE: Youre stay at the Whitehouse